Colds, flus and coughs actually serve a very important
purpose. These infections are one of the ways the body cleanses itself and how
the immune system reboots itself. By producing fever and phlegm the body is able to purge and kill off the
infection-causing bugs.
When you suppress
these healthy and necessary immune processes with fever reducers or other
over-the-counter medication, you are only down-regulating the body’s attempts
to get you well; resulting in much longer illnesses and weaker immune systems.
Here are
some easy ways you can strengthen your body and boost your immune system this
Immune Boosting Vitamins
Vitamin D: proven anti-viral and anti-cancer effects
Vitamin C: in powder form or chewable tablets, antioxidant,
Fish Oil: promotes healthy cellular membranes
Probiotics: healthy gut bacteria keep the digestive and
immune systems healthy
Zinc: immune boosting, great as a lozenge for sore throats
Immune Boosting
Sleep: 6 to 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep allows the immune
system to recharge
Exercise/Movement: keeps your lymphatic system flowing,
crucial for immune health
Balanced schedules: constantly hectic schedules are not good
for your immune system. Recognize when you need to slow down and take a break
Self care: allow your self some “me time” every once in a
while to recharge your whole body
Immune Boosting
Herbs & Remedies
Natural Flu Remedy Pascoleucyn: given orally to children and
as an injection to adults, this is our favourite flu prevention remedy
Deep Immune: a mixture of immune enhancing herbs, great for
strengthening the lungs
Echinacea: our well-known immune boosting herb taken at the
start of cold symptoms for no more than 10 consecutive days
Pleo-Not: our most favourite anti-bacterial remedy
Pleo-Quent: our most-favourite anti-viral remedy
Immune Boosting
Greens: these vitamin and mineral-packed veggies can be
added to smoothies and soups
Berries: full of antioxidants and vitamin C making them the
perfect immune foods
Say no to sugar: unfortunately the immune system’s arch
enemy. Wonder why the “flu” comes out in full force after Halloween???
Ease up on alcohol: this is where moderation is key. Too
much alcohol will not only compromise liver function but it will also deplete
the immune system.
Find easier-to-digest dairy and grains: cow’s milk and whole
wheat are mucous-forming foods. Look for goat milk or non-dairy milk and cheese
alternatives and give sprouted grain products a try.
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